Abdominal liposuction

It is a plastic surgery operation in which the abdominal fat is suctioned with a device called a cannula, which removes fat cells and tissues and this surgery is performed under the influence of local anesthesia.

Causes of diaphragmatic hernia:

There are two types of techniques used in abdominal liposuction, including

  • Abdominal laser liposuction: it is a device by which fat is withdrawn from the abdomen by ultrasound and one of the advantages of this device is that the fat that is withdrawn is used to restore other areas of the body.
  • Laser abdominal liposuction: it is a cosmetic therapeutic procedure used to remove unwanted fat from the body. It includes the absorption of small areas of fat that are difficult to lose through exercise and a healthy diet.

Advantages of Vaser abdominal sculpting:

  • It gives impressive results in a short time to people who have been uselessly exhausted by diets.
  • Increase self-confidence and gain abdominal muscles in a short period without going to sports clubs.

Advantages of laser abdominal liposuction :

  • It is carried out under the influence of a local anesthetic and does not require general anesthesia.
  • A safe and fast procedure.
  • Its results appear immediately after the session.
  • Remove fat and tighten the skin at the same time.
  • The patient can return home the same day.
  • It does not require a significant recovery period during which the patient is able to go about his daily activities.
  • Do not leave scars or cracks in the abdomen.


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